China Economic Growth

China Economic Growth

China's Prime Minister, Li Keqiang has been so sure about the growth of Economic of China this year will reach their target. He admitted there might be a little obstacle which will prevent their improvement. But he does believe that it is impossible with a projection that said China Economy will fail their target this year. He and his administration staff pretty confident that they will achieve 6,5 until 7 percent raise as their target. This is contrary to the fact that these years the economy of China has been weakening very fast than the expected, didn't like many years in the past, which make China easily reaching the target of Economic Growth. The numbers of 6,5 percent to 7 percent actually lower than their usual target as the second biggest economic growth rate. Usually, they reach for 10 percent growth. Mr. Li also consider the economic growth for the next five years for within the average of 6,5 percent.

This projection has made the policy maker to wiggle a little. This percentage has some little higher expectations than the experts has predicted. The Chief of Economist of China at UBS AG, which is a financial services company from Swiss, Wang Tao, has said in a Beijing seminar that this year China Economic will growth about 6,2 percent. The prime minister is pretty confident, though there's a fact that the largest economic growth for China in second place last year just reach 6,9 percent, which is the lowest rate for this 25 years.

Prime Minister Li Keqiang, on the annual legislative this year has said that it was the crucial period for China to find itself. And they have to build their powerful drivers to accelerate the development of this new economy.

According to the sources, China has increased a growth on its debt. And this is having been clarified by Prime Minister Li Keqiang. He said that the factor of which cause this to happen is the global economy and overcapacity, also a low on demand at the market, especially for steel and coal industry. They have recover slower than he expected from the global economy problem. But he said again that they already find a method to handle this situation. He proposed the best way to handle this situation is to nurture a supply side economy. This concept will let the manufacture and the services provider be more competitive, but also give its good quality.

As for the steel and coal industry problem, they made a policy to trim the factory overcapacity and cut the employee. Though so, they would not be neglected by the government. He said that they have to provide 100 billion yuan to help the employee who has been layoffs because of this policy until next two years. These funds are intended to pay their severance and to funds the retraining program. It is noted that this year will be 1,8 million employees to be layoffs around steel and coal company.

On his speech on the annual legislative also criticize about zombie enterprise, which is the unproductive industry which is kept alive by the subsidies and the loan. He said that government will handle it in an active method, but also wiser with the use of merger, debt restructure, reorganizations, and also bankruptcy liquidations. He has set 10 million jobs to be generated in urban areas, and he will hold the unemployment until below than 4,5 percent in city areas. He also places an 800 billion yuan to invest in a railway construction and 1,65 trillion yuan to build the roads. He has targeted the deficit of the budget as much as 3 percent of gross domestic product for this year, which is higher than last year for only 2,3 percent.